At Cobnut Interiors we are always looking at clever solutions for storage space. We have put a list together of some of the solutions we recomened.

  1. Use shelf risers to create more storage space in your cupboards.
  2. Use drawer organizers to keep items like utensils, cutting boards, and baking sheets neatly arranged.
  3. Keep frequently used items at eye-level and less frequently used items in higher or lower cupboards.
  4. Use clear storage containers to easily see what’s inside your cupboards.
  5. Label your cupboards and the items inside them to make it easy to find what you need.
  6. Use lazy Susans to make it easy to access items in the back of your cupboards.
  7. Utilize under-cabinet organizers to maximize space and keep items like spices and oils easily accessible.
  8. Use pull-out shelves to make it easy to access items in the back of deep cupboards.
  9. Use hooks or magnetic knife holders to keep knives and other utensils easily accessible.
  10. Regularly go through your cupboards and remove expired or unused items to keep them clutter-free.

Note: These tips can be used in different kitchen sizes, you need to adjust the tips according to your kitchen size and space.

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